Balasubramani, M, M. Babu and P.K. Sehgal. In Vitro Biocompatibility Test for Collagen-Based Dressings. [Letter to the Editor]. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. - Animal. 1997. 33:223-227. [CopyrightÓ 1997 by the Society of In Vitro Biology (formerly the Tissue Culture Association). Permission to reproduce on website by the copyright owner.]
"�Use of collagen, both native and modified, as a substrata for growth of cells from different tissues has been reported extensively [4,5,6,7,9,17,23]. In the present investigation, we have employed sources of collagen that are available in relatively pure form and have also not been extensively investigated earlier. The serosal layer of bovine intestines and bovine Achilles tendon are very pure sources of bovine collagen and are available as byproducts of the slaughtered animals. This study is aimed at the evaluation of wound dressings prepared from these two sources and cross-linked with agents 1,6-diisocyanatohexane (HDI) and basic chromium sulfate (BCS), for clinical use�"