Morini, F., F. Dusatti, F. Bonina, A. Saija and M. Ferro. Iron-induced Lipid Peroxidation in Human Skin-derived Cell Lines: Protection by a Red Orange Extract. ATLA 28(3). 2000.
Vitamin C - 00050-78-2; hydroxycinnamic
acid � 00583-17-5
Although photodamage and
photoprotection have already been extensively studied in cultured cells, few
data have been
reported in the literature regarding
the in vitro behaviour of skin cells toward a chemical stress, such as
peroxidation. We investigated the
susceptibilities of two human skin-derived cell lines (NCTC 2544 keratinocytes
and HFFF2
fibroblasts) to lipid peroxidation
induced by FeSO4/histidine, FeSO4/ascorbate and Fe2(SO4)3/ADP. NCTC 2544 cells
were more susceptible than HFFF2 cells to lipid peroxidation (assessed by
measuring the content of malondialdehyde [MDA]) with iron/ascorbate and
iron/ADP as pro-oxidants whereas, with iron/histidine, the same level of MDA
production was achieved (about 10 nmol/mg protein) in the two cell populations.
On the basis of these results, one experimental model (iron/histidine) was
selected to assess the protective effect of a mixture of two classical
antioxidants, Trolox C� (50m M) and Vitamin C (1mM), added to the cell cultures
according to various protocols. The maximal decrease of MDA production in both
cell lines was obtained when the antioxidant mixture and the pro-oxidant were
added simultaneously to the cultures. By using the same experimental design,
NCTC 2544 and HFFF2 cells were exposed to a standardized extract of red oranges
(ROE; 0.025�0.5mg/ml), the main active principles of which (anthocyanins 3.1%,
hydroxycinnamic acid 2.07%, and flavanone glycosides 8.1%) possess antioxidant
activity. Cells treated with ROE, that were still over 90% viable, as evaluated
by means of neutral red uptake and tetrazolium salt reduction tests, showed a
significant and dose-dependent inhibition of MDA production. This study
provides new information about
the behaviour of cultured skin cells exposed to chemically
induced oxidative stress, and provides
further support to the possibility of using skin-derived human cell lines in
evaluation of the effectiveness of
antioxidant ingredients for new drugs and/or cosmetics.