Featured Book
Benjumovich. M. S. Terminology in the Field of Animal and Human Tissue Culture. 1993. Moscow, Russia. Paperback, 110 pages.
In this self-published volume of information, Professor Benjumovich has provided a nice collection of terms applicable to the art of cell and tissue culture in three languages (Russian, English and French). As indicated by the following Table of Contents, definition of terms describing tissue culture in various disciplines is included. Copies of this volume may be obtained from Professor Benjumovich at the following address: Dr. M.S. Benjumovich, Research Scientific Center, Moscow Medical Institute, Staff Hospital No. 50, Ulica Vucheticha, d.21, 125206 Moskva, Russia.
- General definitions
- Basic types of cultures
- Basic notions used in the work with individual types of cultures
- Basic cellular elements in cultures
- Interactions between cells in culture
- Changeability of culturing cells
- Division of culturing cells
- Fusion of culturing cells
- Surgery of culturing cells
- Tissue culture and genetics
- Tissue culture and molecular biology
- Tissue culture and embryology
- Tissue culture and immunology
- Tissue culture and virology
- Tissue culture and nutritiology
- Tissue culture and cardiology
- Tissue culture and neurology
- Tissue culture and gerontology
- Tissue culture and hematology
- Tissue culture and oncology
- Tissue culture and teratology
- Tissue culture and toxicology
- Technical terms
- References