Many thanks to Drs. N. A. Monteiro and J. E. Riviere for sharing references about their beautiful and innovative work with the isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF) at More information about their research and laboratory can be found at
Riviere, J. E., K. F. Bowman, and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. The isolated perfused porcine skin flap. A novel animal for cutaneous toxicologic research. IN: Swine in Biomedical Research (Ed. M. E. Tumbleson). Vol. 1, pp. 657-666. 1986.
Riviere, J. E., K. F. Bowman, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, L. P. Dix, and M. P. Carver. The isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF). A novel in vitro model for percutaneous absorption and cutaneous toxicology studies. Fund. Appl. Toxicol. 7: 444-453. 1986.
Riviere, J. E., M. P. Carver, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, and K. F. Bowman. Development of in vitro isolated perfused porcine skin flaps for study of percutaneous absorption of xenobiotics. DAMD17-84-C-4103, NTIS, ADA 198960, pp. 1-23, 1986.
Riviere, J. E., M. P. Carver, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, and K. F. Bowman. Development of in vitro isolated perfused porcine skin flaps for study of percutaneous absorption of xenobiotics. DAMD17-84-C-4103, NTIS, ADA 204615, pp. 1-126, 1987.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., K. F. Bowman, V. J. Scheidt, and J. E. Riviere. The isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF). II. Ultrastructural and histological characterization of epidermal viability. In Vitro Toxic. 1: 241-252. 1987
Riviere, J. E., K. F. Bowman, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. On the definition of viability in isolated perfused skin preparation. Brit. J. Dermatol. 116: 739-741. 1987.
Riviere, J. E., M. P. Carver, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, and K. F. Bowman. Percutaneous absorption of organophosphates, steroids, caffeine and benzoic acid in vivo and in vitro using the isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF). IN: Proc. 6th Medical Chemical Defense Bioscience Review. U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, pp. 763-766, 1987.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. and J. R. King. The dermatotoxicity of 2-chloroethyl methyl sulfide and solvent vehicles in isolated perfused porcine skin. IN: Proceedings of the 1989 Medical Defense Bioscience Review. U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, pp. 53-56, 1989.
Riviere, J. E., B. H. Sage, and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Transdermal lidocaine iontophoresis in isolated perfused porcine skin. J. Toxicol.- Cut. Ocular Toxicol. 8: 493-504. 1990.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. Altered epidermal morphology secondary to lidocaine iontophoresis: In vitro and in vivo studies in porcine skin. Fund. Appl. Toxicol. 15: 174-185. 1990.
King, J. R. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Cutaneous toxicity of 2-chloroethyl methyl sulfide in isolated perfused porcine skin. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 104: 167-179. 1990.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. Specialized technique: Isolated perfused porcine skin flap. IN: Methods for Skin Absorption (Eds: B. W. Kemppainen and W. G. Reifenrath). CRC Press, Inc. Chapter 11, pp. 175-189, 1990.
Riviere, J.E. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Percutaneous absorption of pesticides in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF). IN: Advances in Veterinary Dermatology. (Eds. R.E.W. Halliwell and C. von Tscharner). Balliere-Tindall, London. Vol 1. Chapter 4.6, pp. 299-307. 1990.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., J. R. King, and J. E. Riviere. Cutaneous toxicity of mustard and lewisite on the isolated perfused porcine skin flap. DAMD17-87-C-7189; NTIS, ADA229922, pp. 1-144. 1990.
Bowman, K. F., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and J. E. Riviere. Development of surgical techniques for preparation of in vitro isolated perfused porcine skin flaps for percutaneous absorption studies. Amer. J. Veterinary Research 52: 75-82. 1991.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., J. R. King, and J. E. Riviere. Mustard-induced vesication in isolated perfused skin: biochemical, physiological, and morphological studies. IN: Proceedings of the 1991 Medical Defense Bioscience Review. pp, 159-162. 1991.
Riviere, J. E., J. R. King, and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Characterization of the cutaneous vascular response to topically applied sulfur mustard and lewisite. IN: Proceedings of the 1991 Medical Defense Bioscience Review. U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD pp. 163-166. 1991.
King, J. R., J. E. Riviere, and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Characterization of lewisite vesication in isolated perfused porcine skin. IN: Proceedings of the 1991 Medical Defense Bioscience Review. U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD pp. 167-170. 1991.
Riviere, J. E. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. The isolated perfused porcine skin flap as an in vitro model for percutaneous absorption and cutaneous toxicology. CRC Critical Reviews in Toxicology 21: 329-334. 1991.
Bristol, D. G., J. E. Riviere, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and K. F. Bowman. The isolated perfused equine skin flap: Metabolic parameters. Veterinary Surgery 20: 424-433. 1991.
King, J. R. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Effects of organic solvent vehicles on the viability and morphology of isolated perfused porcine skin. Toxicology 69: 11-26. 1991.
Srikrishna, V. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. The effects of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid on isolated perfused skin. In Vitro Toxicol. 4: 207-215. 1991.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. and J. E. Riviere. Cutaneous toxicity of mustard lewisite on the isolated perfused porcine skin flap. DAMD17-87-C-7139; NTIS, ADA254419 Final Report. pp. 1-140. 1991.
Srikrishna, V., J. E. Riviere and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Cutaneous toxicity and absorption of paraquat in porcine skin. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 115: 89-97. 1992.
King, J. R., J. E. Riviere and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Characterization of lewisite toxicity in isolated perfused skin. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 116: 189-201. 1992.
Riviere, J. E. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Skin: Porcine Skin Flaps. IN: Methods in Toxicology Vol. 1, "In Vitro Biological Systems" (Eds. C. A. Tyson and J. M. Frazier). Academic Press, Inc. CA. Chapter 45, pp. 515-524. 1993.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. The use of isolated perfused skin in dermatotoxicology. In Vitro Toxicol. 5: 219-233. 1993.
Spoo, J. W., Rogers, R. A. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Effects of formaldehyde, DMSO, benzoyl peroxide, and sodium lauryl sulfate on isolated perfused porcine skin. In Vitro Toxicol. 5: 251-260. 1993.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., Inman, A. O., Spoo, J. W., Rogers, R. A. and J. E. Riviere. Studies on the pathogenesis of bis(2-chloroethyl)sulfide (HD) - induced vesication in porcine skin. IN: Proceedings of the 1993 Medical Defense Bioscience Review. U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, pp. 31-40, 1993.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., A. O. Inman and J. E. Riviere. Development and characterization of a novel skin model for cutaneous phototoxicology. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology, and Photomedicine. 10: 235-243. 1994.
Riviere, J. E., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, and P. L. Williams. Isolated perfused porcine skin flap as an in vitro model for predicting transdermal pharmacokinetics. Eur. J. Pharm. and Biopharm. 41: 152-162. 1995
Zhang, J. Z., J. E. Riviere and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Evaluation of protective effects of sodium thiosulfate, cysteine, niacinamide, and indomethacin on sulfur mustard-treated isolated perfused porcine skin. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 96: 249-262. 1995.
Chang, S. K., J. D. Brooks, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, and J. E. Riviere. Enhancing or blocking effect of fenvalerate on the subsequent percutaneous absorption of pesticides in vitro. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 51: 214-219. 1995.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. and A. O. Inman. Indirect immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy distribution of eight epidermal-dermal junction epitopes in the pig and in isolated perfused skin treated with bis (2-chlororethyl)sulfide. Toxicologic Pathology 23: 313-325. 1995.
Zhang, J. Z., J. E. Riviere and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Topical sulfur mustard induces changes in prostaglandins and interleukin-1* in isolated perfused porcine skin. In Vitro Toxicol. 8:149-158. 1995.
Riviere, J. E., J. D. Brooks, P. L. Williams, and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Toxicokinetics of topical sulfur mustard penetration, disposition, and vascular toxicity in isolated perfused porcine skin. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 135: 25-34, 1995.
Qiao, G. L., J. D. Brooks, R. L. Baynes, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, P. L. Williams and J. E. Riviere. The use of mechanistically-defined chemical mixtures (MCDM) to assess mixture component effects on the percutaneous absorption and cutaneous disposition of topically-exposed chemicals. I. Studies with parathion mixtures in isolated perfused porcine skin. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 141: 473-486. 1996
Williams, P. L., D. Thompson, G. L. Qiao, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, R. L. Baynes, and J. E. Riviere. The use of mechanistically-defined chemical mixtures (MCDM) to assess mixture component effects on the percutaneous absorption and cutaneous disposition of topically-exposed chemicals. II. Development of a general dermatopharmacokinetic model for use in risk assessment. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 141: 487-496. 1996.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., A. O. Inman, T. H. Snider, J. Blank, D. W. Hobson. Comparison of an in vitro skin model to normal human skin for dermatological research. Microscopy Research and Technique 37: 172-179. 1997.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. and A. O. Inman. Ultrastructural characterization of sulfur mustard-induced vesication in isolated perfused porcine skin. Microscopy Research and Technique 37: 229-242. 1997.
Zhang, Z. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Comparison of integrins in human skin, pig skin, and perfused skin: An in vitro toxicology model. J. Appl. Toxicol. 17: 247-253. 1997.
Riviere, J. E., Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. and A. O. Inman. The effects of altered media flow and glucose concentration on sulfur mustard toxicity in isolated perfused skin. In Vitro Toxicology 10: 168-181. 1997.
Baynes, R. E., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, G. L. Qiao, and J. E. Riviere. Cutaneous toxicity of the benzidine dye direct red 28 as a mechanistically-defined chemical mixture (MDCM) in perfused porcine skin. Toxicol. Lett. (In Press).
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. and J. E. Riviere (Eds.). "Frontiers in In Vitro and In Vivo Assessment of Cutaneous Toxicity Models for Risk Assessment." Continuing Education Course Syllabus for the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Seattle, WA March, 1998.
Spodnick, G. J. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Development of surgical techniques for preparation of in vitro isolated perfused buccal mucosal flaps. (In Preparation).
Bowman, K. F., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and J. E. Riviere. The isolated perfused porcine skin flap: A novel model for skin biology. Veterinary Surgery 15: 114. 1986.
Carver, M. P., K. F. Bowman, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, R. A. Rogers and J. E. Riviere. Percutaneous absorption of caffeine and malathion in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF). The Toxicologist 6: 243: 1986.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., K. F. Bowman, V. J. Scheidt, L. P. Dix and J. E. Riviere. Morphologic assessment of viability and toxicity in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap. The Toxicologist 6: 242. 1986.
Grissom, R. E., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and F. E. Guthrie. In vivo and in vitro dermal penetration of selected pesticides in mice. The Toxicologist 6: 244. 1986.
Carver, M. P., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, R. A. Rogers, K. F. Bowman and J. E. Riviere. Percutaneous absorption kinetics of organophosphates, steroids, caffeine and benzoic acid in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF). The Toxicologist 7: 244. 1987.
Bowman, K. F., J. E. Riviere, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, S. W. Crane, B. Klitzman and D. Serafin. Preliminary studies on the in vitro isolated perfused porcine skin flap for physiological modeling in surgical research. Veterinary Surgery 16: 84. 1987.
Shehata-Karam, H., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and F. E. Guthrie. In vitro penetration of pesticides through human newborn foreskin. The Toxicologist 8: 125. 1988.
King, J. R. and N. A. Monteiro. The biochemical and morphological effects of vehicles on the isolated perfused porcine skin flap. The Toxicologist 9: 62. 1989.
Blalock, L. E. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Assessment of cutaneous irritation of formaldehyde, salicylic acid and sodium lauryl sulfate using transdermal laser Doppler velocimetry. The Toxicologist. 9: 242. 1989.
Riviere, J. E. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Percutaneous absorption of pesticides in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF). Proceedings of the First World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology 1: 68. 1989.
Bristol, D. G., J. E. Riviere, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and K. F. Bowman. Development of an isolated perfused equine skin flap and assessment of flap metabolism. Veterinary Surgery 19: 59. 1990.
Bristol, D. G., J. E. Riviere, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and K. F. Bowman. The isolated perfused skin flap: Interspecies and intersite differences in metabolism. Animal Disease Research Workers in Southern States. p. 23. 1990.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., J. R. King and T. O. Manning. In vitro evaluation of bis-2-chloroethyl sulfide induced vesication in perfused porcine skin. The Toxicologist 11: 284. 1991.
King, J. R., J. E. Riviere and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Characterization of lewisite vesication in isolated perfused porcine skin. IN: Seventh Annual Chemical Defense Bioscience Review. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Aug. 7-9, p. 30, 1991.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., J. R. King and J. E. Riviere. Mustard-induced vesication in isolated perfused skin. Biochemical physiological and morphological studies. IN: Seventh Annual Chemical Defense Bioscience Review. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, Aug. 7-9, pg. 28. 1991.
Riviere, J. E., J. R. King and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Characterization of the cutaneous vascular response to topically applied sulfur mustard and lewisite. IN: Seventh Annual Chemical Defense Bioscience Review. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Aug. 7-9, pg. 29. 1991.
Spoo, S. W., J. E. Riviere and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Prostaglandins in isolated perfused skin flaps treated with sulfur mustard. Pharmaceutical Research 9: 232. 1992.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., A. O. Inman, J. E. Riviere, S. C. McNeill, and M. L. Francoeur. A new hypothesis for the mechanism of local enhanced delivery of topically applied drugs to the underlying musculature. Pharmaceutical Research 9: 169. 1992.
Bristol, D. G., J. E. Riviere, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere, J. D. Brooks and R. A. Rogers. Effect of vehicles and application site in absorption of chemicals through equine skin. IN: The 38th Annual Convention of Equine Practitioners. p. 725. 1992.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. and A. O. Inman. Histochemical localization of three basement membrane epitopes with sulfur mustard-induced toxicity in porcine skin. The Toxicologist 13: 58. 1993.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., A. O. Inman, J. W. Spoo, R. A. Rogers and J. E. Riviere. Studies on the pathogenesis of bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide (HD) induced vesication in porcine skin. IN: Proceedings of the 1993 Medical Defense Bioscience Review. pp. 31-40. 1993.
Riviere, J. E., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and K. F. Bowman. Development of in vitro isolated perfused porcine skin flaps for study of percutaneous absorption of xenobiotics. Medical Chemical Defense 6: 15-16. 1993.
Monteiro, N. A. and J. E. Riviere. Cutaneous toxicity of mustard and lewisite on the isolated perfused skin flap. Medical Chemical Defense 6: 16. 1993.
Inman, A. O., N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and J. E. Riviere. A novel in vitro model to assess UVB phototoxicity. Pharmaceutical Research 10: 250. 1993.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., Z. Zhang, P. L. Williams, P. L., and J. E. Riviere. Sulfur mustard causes vascular and inflammatory changes in isolated perfused porcine skin. The Toxicologist. 14: 104. 1994.
Inman, A. O. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Morphological characterization of ultraviolet B phototoxicity in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap. The Toxicologist. 14: 104. 1994.
Zhang, Z., Peters, B. P and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Assessment of the Cutaneous Basement Membrane in Sulfur-Mustard-Induced Toxicity. J. Invest. Dermatol. 103: 855. 1994.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., A. O. Inman and J. E. Riviere. Development of an In Vitro Perfused Skin Model for Cutaneous Phototoxicity. In Vitro Toxicology/Correlation to In Vivo Models/Validation. Bethesda, MD April 29, 1994.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., A. O. Inman, J. Tamada, R. O. Potts, and J. E. Riviere. Histological evaluation of transdermal electroporation and iontophoresis of LHRH delivery in porcine skin. Pharmaceutical Research 11: 190. 1994.
Baynes, R. E., G. L. Qiao, J. D. Brooks, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and J. E. Riviere. An experimental design for assessing percutaneous absorption of chemical mixtures in isolated perfused porcine skin flaps. Chemical Mixtures and Quantitative Risk Assessment, U. S. Environmental Health Effects Research Laboratory, HERL Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC, November 7-10, p. 24. 1994.
Qiao, G. L., R. E. Baynes, J. D. Brooks, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and J. E. Riviere. Interactions in percutaneous absorption and cutaneous disposition of parathion applied as a chemical mixture in isolated perfued porcine skin flaps. Chemicals Mixtures and Quantitative Risk Assessment, US Environmental Health Effects Research Laboratory, HERL Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC Nov. 7-10, p. 26. 1994
Chasse, D.A.D. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Immunohistochemical localization of tumor necrosis factor TNF* in porcine skin exposed to contact irritants. The Toxicologist 15: 323, 1995.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A. and A. O. Inman. Histochemical distribution of five epidermal-dermal junction epitopes in porcine skin treated with bis (2-chloroethyl)sulfide. The Toxicologist 15: 324. 1995.
Zhang, Z., J. E. Riviere and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Protective effects of sodium thiosulfate, cysteine, niacinamide, and indomethacin on sulfur mustard treated isolated perfused porcine skin. The Toxicologist 15: 324. 1995
Inman, A. O. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. An autoradiography study to evaluate the distribution of bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap. The Toxicologist 15: 324. 1995
Williams, P. L., J. D. Brooks, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and J. E. Riviere. Quantitative percutaneous absorption and distribution of binary mixtures of two phenols in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap. The Toxicologist 15: 324, 1995.
Baynes, R. E., G. L. Qiao, J. D. Brooks, N. A. Monteiro-Riviere and J. E. Riviere. Percutaneous absorption and toxicity of the benzidine dye direct red 28 applied in a mechanistically-defined chemical mixture (MDCM) using isolated perfused porcine skin flap. The Toxicologist 15: 325, 1995.
Zhang, Z. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Immunohistochemical comparison of integrin subunits a2, a3, and b4 expression in human skin, pig skin and isolated perfused porcine skin flap. The Toxicologist 30: 171. 1996.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., Z. Zhang, A. O. Inman, J. D. Brooks and J. E. Riviere. Molecular pathogenesis of sulfur mustard vesication in skin. Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology. Duke University, Durham, NC 3: 26. 1996.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., Z. Zhang and J. E. Riviere. Integrated biochemical and molecular mechanisms of sulfur mustard vesication in skin: Vascular and basement membrane targets. IN: Proceedings of the 1996 Medical Defense Bioscience Review 161. 1996.
Riviere, J. E. and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Pathogenesis of vesication, percutaneous absorption, and dermato-pharmacokinetics of sulfur mustard in isolated perfused porcine skin. IN: The Fourth Biennial International Symposium on Alternatives in the Assessment of Toxicity: Issues, Progress and Opportunities. 26, 1996.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., R. E. Baynes, G. L. Qiao and J. E. Riviere. Cutaneous toxicity of the benzene dye direct red 28 applied as a mechanistically-defined chemical mixture (MDCM) in perfused porcine skin. The Toxicologist 36: 188 1997.
Monteiro-Riviere, N. A., A. O. Inman, G. Qiao, T. H. Snider, J. A. Blank and D. W. Hobson. Comparison of an in vitro human skin equivalent model to normal human skin for dermatological research. Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration 5a: 65. 1997.
Allen, D. G., R. O. Potts, J. E. Tamada, S. Lee and N. A. Monteiro-Riviere. Enzyme histochemical evaluation of current application in pig skin. Pharmaceutical Research 14: 307. 1997.